TFS TRANSLATIONS clients only - GRO Expedite

TFS TRANSLATIONS clients only - GRO Expedite

Important! - This service is for TFS Translations clients only.

We can obtain a FAST replacement birth, marriage or death certificate from the UK General Register Office.

It takes approximately 2-3 working days to obtain a replacement document using the expedite service.

To order now click 'Add to Basket' and then checkout, provide the requested information and pay online. We do the rest!

SKU Code: A-0175
  • Delivery


UK - First Class PostFREE2 - 3 working days*, no tracking.
UK - Next Day Courier£10.00Next working day*, full tracking.
Rest of World - Overseas Airmail£15.005 - 10 working days*, limited tracking (Not recommended for valuable or urgent documents).
Rest of World - Overseas DHL Express£50.001 - 3 working days*, full tracking (Recommended, timescale may increase for more remote locations).
*Quoted timescale applies from the day we dispatch after completing your order, timescales are not guaranteed.