Replacement Death Certificate with Apostille - Expedite Service

Replacement Death Certificate with Apostille - Expedite Service

We can obtain a replacement birth, marriage or death certificate from the UK General Register Office. We can then also legalise the document with the UK apostille.

It takes approximately 2 working days to obtain a replacement document using the standard service. It then takes approximately 2 working days to obtain the apostille.

To order now click 'Add to Basket' and then checkout, enter the requested information and pay online. We do the rest!

Product Code: A-0059

Timescale approximately (see above) plus return delivery time*
*Processing times are provided for guidance only

Please enter the following information:

I will provide this information later.

Year death was registered:
Surname of deceased:
Forenames of deceased:
Date of death:
Age at death in years:
Place of death or last known address:
Occupation of deceased:
Marital status (if female):
