Certificate of Incumbency

Certificate of Incumbency

We can issue a Certificate of Incumbency for UK companies. This document is often used to provide evidence of the structure of a UK company. This document is usually issued within 1 working day.

The Certificate of Incumbency can confirm the following details -

  • Company Name
  • Company Number
  • Directors names
  • Directors service addresses
  • Secretary names
  • Secretary service address
  • Date of Registration
  • Registered Office
  • Shareholders names (this will be the shareholders as recorded on the last Confirmation Statement/Annual Return or at time of incorporation - if shares have since changed hands you may wish to exclude this - If available from Companies House records)
  • Issued share capital details (If available from Companies House records)

To order now click 'Add to Basket' and then checkout, enter your details, pay online and let us know the company name and registration number. We do the rest!

Product Code: A-0018

Timescale approximately (see above) plus return delivery time*
*Processing times are provided for guidance only

Please enter the following information:

I will provide this information later.

Company Name:
Company Registration Number:
